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Law WP, Dore GJ, Duncombe CJ, et al. Risk of severe hepatotoxicty associated with antiretroviral therapy in the HIVNAT cohort, Thailand, 1996-2001. AIDS 2003; 17 15 ; : 21912199. Benson CA, Deeks SG, Brun SC, et al. Safety and antiviral activity at 48 weeks of lopinavir ritonavir plus nevirapine and 2 nucleoside reverse-transcriptase inhibitors in human immunodeficiency virus type 1-infected protease inhibitorexperienced patients. Journal of Infectious Diseases 2002; 185 5 ; : 599-607. Cozzi-Lepri A, Phillips AN, Monforte Ad A, et al. Virologic and Immunologic Response to Regimens Containing Nevirapine or Efavirenz in Combination with 2 Nucleoside Analogues in the Italian Cohort Naive Antiretrovirals ICONA ; Study. Journal of Infectious Diseases 2002; 185 8 ; : 1062-1069. Dieleman JP Sturkenboom MCJM, Wit FW, et al. Low risk of , treatment failure after substitution of nevirapine for protease inhibitors among human immunodeficiency virus-infected patients with virus suppression. Journal of Infectious Diseases 2002; 185: 1261-1268. Gonzalez de Requena D, Nunez M, Jimenez-Nacher I and Soriano V. Liver toxicity caused by nevirapine. AIDS 2002; 16 2 ; : 290-291. van Praag RM, van Weert EC, van Heeswijk RP et al. Stable , concentrations of zidovudine, stavudine, lamivudine, abacavir, and nevirapine in serum and cerebrospinal fluid during 2 years of therapy. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 2002; 46 3 ; : 896-899. Wise ME. Neuropsychiatric complications of nevirapine treatment. British Medical Journal 2002; 324 7342 ; : 879. Zaccarelli M, Barracchini A, De Longis P et al. Factors Related , to Virologic Failure among HIV-Positive Injecting Drug Users Treated with Combination Antiretroviral Therapy Including Two Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors and Nevirapine. AIDS Patient Care & STDs 2002; 16 2 ; : 67-73. Antinori A, Baldini F, Girardi E, et al. Female sex and the use of anti-allergic agents increase the risk of developing cutaneous rash associated with nevirapine therapy. AIDS 2001; 5 12 ; : 1579-1581. Bersoff-Matcha SJ, Miller WC, Aberg JA, et al. Sex differences in nevirapine rash. Clinical Infectious Diseases 2001; 32 1 ; : 124-129.
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